Finsight Series: Beyond Wealthtech - the Future of Wealth Management

The second edition of the Finsight Series focused on “Beyond Wealthtech - the Future of Wealth Management, held in November 2021 and moderated by Pete Townsend from Norio Ventures.

In the first edition of the Finsight Series, we took a broad look at how financial services upstream of consumer finance were either becoming digital or were challenged to become digital, in particular with wealth management and institutional banking. In the second edition, we’re going to take a deeper look at wealth management, and exactly how far we can digitalize wealth management, with different demographics driving the demand for both conventional people-orientated solutions and technology-driven solutions.

How are the incumbents and the new players combining the best of digital and analog to reach a broader segment of investors?

What role do artificial intelligence, machine learning, embedded finance, and digital assets play in enabling these hybrid solutions?

The Finsight Series is run by Navirum, a Financial Services Consulting company, specializing in helping businesses grow and operate more efficiently in the digital age.


  • Rory Galvin, Founder and CEO of Navirum

  • Kerry Ryan, Director, Industry Marketing - Financial Services, Salesforce

  • Christian Maynard-Philip, Founder and CEO of Pattern Financial

  • Joe Parkin, Managing Director, Head of Banks and Digital Channels, BlackRock

  • Pete Townsend (moderator) - Founding Partner of Norio Ventures and Coinbase Ireland board member

Here’s another clip from the event featuring an exchange between all of the speakers on the ongoing debate between the human advisor and the robo-advisor. The final segment from all of the speakers featured their views on one aspect of wealth management that they would like to see going digital in the next 18 months.

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Pete Townsend